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Welcome to The Living Room

At The Living Room we are passionate about creating a sacred space, a sanctuary, for exploring spirituality and creating opportunities for other women to do the same. Our mission is to create an inclusive, supportive and inspiring space where everyone can feel empowered.

Meet The Living Room Facilitators 

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Jenna Allin

I started my Spiritual journey in a class for discovering your psychic abilities and never stopped learning about the power of archetypes in the psyche! I am now absolutely enthralled with the archetypes of the Dark Goddesses and how they can guide us on our Sacred Journey toward the absolute bliss and pleasure we are meant to personify. In an endless pursuit of deep embodiment of my WomBmanhood, I find myself again and again in awe of the Divine Darkness - the Great Mystery of the Unknown. I brazenly venture into depths others dare not go... unveiling the rich deliciousness only found in the recesses of our WomBanly core.


Natasha Verkley

While spirituality can mean a lot of things to a lot of people- for me it has always symbolized a journey within. Through my deep study and application of tools like human design, galactic time, and Kundalini yoga, I continue to develop on my own inward adventure. I especially enjoy sharing my wisdom and resources with all who feel called to join my movement and follow my lead. I am a manifestor of positive change and it is my honor to serve as an activator, an initiator, and a gatherer of women into sacred community and conscious co-creation. 

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Nadine O. Burger

Nadine O. Burger embodies the essence of a modern mystic and visionary leader. Rooted in unwavering devotion and a profound connection to the oneness of existence, she passionately advocates for cultivating a harmonious relationship with the Earth and all its inhabitants.

In her worldview, there exists no separation; rather, she embraces the interconnectedness of all beings as one unified whole. Driven by the belief that serving with love is the greatest joy, she bridges the gap between business success and spiritual fulfillment. Nadine aims to help others discover their truth and reconnect with their essence, directing them towards projects that serve the planet, people, and purpose, fostering a triple bottom line impact. 


You can learn more about Nadine and book a 1 on 1 Kundalini Activation here

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